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(1 edit)

Playing again, still fun


dont get any games from this guy. he is one of those "i hate everyone playing hogwarts and everyone is a transphobe" losers


wtf are you talking about? do you even know him? I don't think so...

I could simply delete this comment, but I think I won't (for now). I told someone on Twitter that I think it's hypocritical for a brand to carry a Pride flag and not act accordingly. I didn't call anyone transphobic and I don't hate anyone for playing a game. Those are plain lies.

cute!! is a nice way to experience dorfromantik before buying

thanks, there is also a free prototype of Dorfromantik:

It looks sweet. Thanks for making and sharing

This is amazing, wish I could play more of this as I'm not sure how long it'll take until I'm able to afford the original game. Could you please expand more on this?

Thank you very much, I will try but I can't rip off the complete original ;) But maybe it will become a mobile friendly alternative. Dorfromantik is only 9$ on Steam and certeinly there will be a sale again :)

Looks and feels just awesome ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ๐Ÿก๐ŸŒพ


super cute and super cool!

Thank you :)